UV Damage and Photoaging (Changes in skin caused by constant UV exposure)
A key external factor to the skin aging process is UV exposure or photoaging. UV rays can cause inflammation, physical changes, impaired wound healing and even DNA damage1
Oxidative Stress:
Sun exposure is a well-known inducer of reactive oxidative species (ROS.
Oxidative Stress has been linked to age-related loss of skin elasticity (wrinkles)2,3 and photoaging4.
Sun exposure can induce wrinkling over time by reducing the dermis and reducing the elastic properties of the skin though the compromising of skin structure including collagen degradation 5,6.
The skin contains several antioxidants, including Vitamin E, Ascorbate, Carotenoids, superoxide dismutase, and catalase to name a few.
Overexposure to UV rays can lead to a significant reduction in these antioxidants, increasing oxidative stress.
The consumption and or application of antioxidants such as polyphenols, flavonoids 7, carotenoids 8, as well as vitamin C 9 have been reported to have UV protective properties by their ability to neutralize ROS.
Glow Ingredients

Red Orange Complex: A powder extract of three blood orange varieties (Moro, Tarocco & Sanquinello) exclusively grown around Mount Etna in Sicily (Italy). This extract contains a specific blend of antioxidants clinically tested to maintain skin healthy and reduce oxidative stress.

Clinically proven to protect skin against UV-induced damage and control hyperpigmentation and photoaging 10. Red Orange Complex in take has also been clinically observed to counteract skin hyperpigmentation and improve skin appearance and homogeneity of skin tanning (evening out your tan) through the inhibition of melanin overproduction 10,11,12.

Other studies have shown that Red Orange Complex Supplementation is able to decrease oxidative stress in compromised subjects (sportsman, smokers, diabetes, and those exposed to air pollution 13.

Pomegranate Extract (90% Ellagic Acid): Ellagic acid is a natural phenol antioxidant that is found in numerous fruits, including blackberries, raspberries, pomegranate, and strawberries.
Reduce UV damage to skin cells by preventing the increase in MMP enzyme activity and the breakdown of collagen. In turn reducing skin wrinkling and cutaneous inflammation from UV exposure 14.
Powerful Antioxidant protecting the body from free radicals formed by environmental exposure, physical activity, or stress.

Hyaluronic Acid: Hyaluronic acid is a metabolite of glucosamine and is distributed throughout connective (joints), epithelial (skin) and neural tissue. Hyaluronic acid plays a role in joint lubrication, skin / wound healing, and acts as an antioxidant. As we age that amount of hyaluronic acid, we produce decreases and levels decrease even fast with UV exposure.
Improve moisture balance of skin and reduce wrinkles when taken over a 6-week period 15.
Protects skin from UV light mediated skin aging and inflammation 16,17.
Work Sited
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