We Love Your Questions!
When should I take KINETIQ RENEW?
Any Time you are Stressed: KINETIQ RENEW can be using at any time that you feel stressed and are looking for a clear mind and stress-free renewed feeling.
Anytime you need to be Focused: The active ingredients in KINETIQ RENEW provides a calm laser focus to help you accomplish any assignment at work, school, or daily tasks.
After a workout: The antioxidant and relaxed focus of the KINETIQ RENEW formula, makes it a perfect post workout additive, to calm those jitters and get work done.
How quick will I feel the effects of KINETIQ RENEW?
While the effects can be felt by some quickly (within 20 min) it may take up to 2 hours for other to feel the full effects. Some people may see the best results after their 2 or third day of using Renew, as the benefits of the ingredients become enhanced over periodic use.
How does KINETIQ RENEW work?
During mental and physical stress (which we all experience daily), the concentration of certain neurotransmitters is reduced and there is a buildup of free radicals. This can lead to fatigue, anxiousness and over time, long term issues. KINETIQ RENEW was designed to provide the raw material to make additional neurotransmitters, provide powerful antioxidants to prevent damage from free radicals, boost your mood and keep you relaxed by our unique blend of adaptogens!
Can I take a KINETIQ RENEW every day?
Yes, and we recommend it. Unlike caffeine which you build up a tolerance and need more and more to feel the same effect, the benefits of KINETIQ Renew are compounded if consumed multiple days in a row. This means, the more often you drink it, the more you will get out of it.
How many serving of KINETIQ RENEW can I have per day?
Always assess your tolerance of KINETIQ RENEW with 1 serving., though it is not recommended that you exceed4servings of KINETIQ RENEW in 24 hours.
Will KINETIQ RENEW make me tired?
No, KINETIQ RENEW will not make you tired and is non-drowsy, though some of the ingredients in RENEW have been observed to improve the quality of your sleep, so feel free to consume it close to the time when you go to bed.
Does KINETIQ RENEW contain caffeine?
No, KINETIQ Renew does not contain any caffeine, caffeine derivatives or ingredients that are categorized as stimulants. With that said, it will still give you a refreshed, focus feeling without any rush or crash, which is accomplished through our kickass blend of adaptogens.